Remember When... Horlicks

I remember as a child, my mom always has a jar full of tablet sized chocolate called Horlicks. I looked everywhere for stores/ supermarkets selling this product to no avail. Until my DS went to Hong Kong last week and as pasalubong handed over a boxful of Horlicks Chocolate Malties and several sachets of Horlicks Original Malties. Both were bought in 7 Eleven stores in Hong Kong!


Each box contains 3 sachets of Horlicks. A sachet contains 9 tablets. I like the chocolate flavored malties than the original one which for me is a bit bland in taste. The chocolate flavor will sink in after a few minutes in your mouth.

I was quite fascinated that this product is registered under a health care company, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Maybe because it has dried skimmed milk, vitamins and cereals under its list of ingredients. And the package state that it is high in calcium- 1852/mg per 100g!

At least now, I know where to look when I want my Horlicks!