Johnson's Baby Signature of Love

Have you seen Johnson's Baby Signature of Love commercial? Well, I did. It's a heartwarming 30-second video that showed unique rituals shared between mom and baby like stroking of hair, touching of skin or simply playing together. These bonding moments done before bedtime, during play time, bath time and even feeding time are made even special because mommy and baby are sharing it with each other and not with anyone else.

It had me thinking about my own relationship with my mom when I was a child. Of course, I could not remember much of it but one time while singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to my baby girl, my mom told me that she used to sing the exact same song while cradling me to sleep. It's our "Signature of Love" and now I am passing it to my own daughter.

Do you have you own "Signature of Love"? If you answered yes, how would you like to have a chance to be featured in the next Johnson's Baby TV commercial? Read more after the break....

During bath time, my baby and I would sometimes play "peek-a-boo". After bathing, I would always give her a quick massage using Johnson's Baby Classic Powder. I read that touch therapy is really good for the baby. It is generally safe and effective as it creates a unique bond between the mother and the baby. I know Johnson's Baby recognizes these Signatures of Love.

I encourage you, my dear mommy readers, to do the same. Take a 30-second video of your own Signature of Love with your baby and upload it on Johnson's Baby Facebook App. Who knows you and your baby might get a chance to be featured in the upcoming TVC of Johnson's Baby to be aired on TV and several LED billboards around Metro Manila.

What are you waiting for? Submit your Signature of Love video today!

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