My event: August 7, 2010
Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt
Rockwell, Makati
When Nuffnang usually invites, I decline. Because it's always on a Saturday. I always have work on a Saturday haha
But last Saturday, to compensate from being absent, I worked on a Friday haha That's how special Nestle is ; p
Yogurt + Jelly
I am excited of the e-vite because I am a Nestle yogurt lover as evident in my previous post.
Mike Unson- comedian
Mike Unson, a stand up comedian kept us cracking up all afternoon. He's terrific and very entertaining!
Paolo Trinidad- laughter yogi
laughter yoga exercise
Laughing at the same time exercising? That's laughter yoga for you and me! Paolo Trinidad, a laughter yoga guru, taught us Laughter Yoga 101. While Bikram yoga, the yoga I practice needs concentration, laughter yoga is quite the opposite. As its name suggests, you need to just laugh whether introducing oneself to another or doing the different exercises Paolo was teaching us. Did you know that that even "the act of gossiping" can be part of laughter yoga haha
Gerard Poa, consumer marketing manager
Jelly on top and yogurt at the bottom. I ate the jelly first then dig in for the yogurt. yum!!
buko pandan
At the end of the exercise, we were all able to taste the product. And was given a chance to play Portmanteau- playing and combining two words to form another word. Using just adjectives that best describes what happened in the entire afternoon, I made my entry: Yogurt + Giggle= YOGGLE haha
Thanks Nestle and Nuffnang for such a wonderful afternoon filled with laughter and of course, the yogurt +jelly! Available in leading supermarkets at only PhP20!
Who wants to win all 45 cups of Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt + Jelly, raise your hands lol Ok, here are the simple rules to follow:
1. The contestants must describe their NFSY with Jelly snacking experience using the portmanteau game. Was it fun, cool, odd, amazing? I want to know!
3. Post your entries on Facebook using this format:
Hey, @blogger! I just had a cup of @Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt with Jelly and it's so word1 + word2 =pormanteau!
ex. Hey, @MrsMartinez's Raves and Rants! I just had a cup of @Nestle Fruit Selection Yogurt with Jelly and it's so Yogurt + Giggle= YOGGLE!
4. Copy your Facebook portmanteau entry and post it on my comment section below with your name and email.
5. You have to do both FB post and comment for your entry to be valid.
6. Contest starts today September 3 and ends on September 5 Sunday. I will choose the most creative portmanteau. Winners will be announced on September 6, 2010 through email. My decision is final.
7. ONE winner will receive 45 cups of NFSY with Jelly.
8. Within 1 week of being proclaimed, the winner can claim his/her prize at the Ogilvy office at this address:
25F Picadilly Star Building
4th Avenue cor 27th Street
Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City 1634
And the winner is Katrina de Dios aka KATE! Congrats! Please wait for my email on how to claim your prize!
Thank you all for joining! There are more contests to come! ow, sit back and relax!