New Find: Ludy's Instant Ginger Brew

I searched everywhere, Mercury Drug and Watson's, for salabat to no avail. Until yesterday, after my workout, I went straight to Unimart to buy my shitake mushroom and guess what I saw... ginger brew! Just what I have been looking for the past couple of days. You see, I have been trying to get well from my two-month on and off battle cough. I tried taking cough medicines, vitamin C and even resorted to antibiotics. I think salabat would do me good. So, I bought a jar. There are two variants, I bought the original one while the other variant is with lemon/ calamansi.

salabat PhP42.95

Ingredients are ginger, sugar and cayenne (no artificial flavor).

Stir in two teaspoons of Ginger brew "salabat" into a cup of hot water.

A jar is pre mixed already so no need to add sugar. I went home and drank a cupful of salabat. I have to take another cup when I have my merienda later. I am hoping that this drink will help me fight off cough. I will post picture of the drink later!