When I went to a local Marks & Spencer shop to buy an underwear, I noticed that the store's lingerie section was on SALE- Pay 1 at regular price and buy the next 1 at half the cost! Lucky me and for my DH too! For he is the one PAYING hehe
I was also amazed at how many style, shapes and colors were available. Upon entering the shop, I already had in mind what I wanted to buy- it's a boxer panty and in basic colors like beige, black & white. I know *rolling eyes* boring colors but I would not wear undies without matching it with the color of my bra, SILLY! And basically, I like those three colors for it's easier to match with what I am wearing for the day which is BASIC- simple, Yeah, right!

I love the comfort and the fit of these cottony soft undies that I can't get enough. After contempleting for three consecutive days and hoping that the store is still on sale, I went back and this time I was thinking of changing my old sleep undies. You wouldn' t think that I use the same undies for going out and at night, DUH! Shame on you! Good thing that the store was still on sale and have enough stock left and the color that I want to have...Yup, yup, you got it right... beige, black & white. And yes, the size! I wouldn't tell you what size I got but always remember that I am practicing Bikram Yoga, Namaste! *wink*

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