Remember When... GROSBY!

Is it just me that remembers this name? Grosby! It seems so. I was shopping for a pair of slippers in MyStore with C when I saw this cute slippers in white, black, brown, red, green and blue. I will bring the slippers to my Boracay vacation so I'm looking at those cheap ones so that if it get lost, it would not put a dent on my pocket or in my case, my DH's~ lol!

Anyway, I ditched an earlier choice of transparent slippers with huge diamond rock on top to get these slippers. I was flabbergasted when I saw these slippers and its neat colors. And to say the least, it just cost PhP175. C asked me why I'm all hyped, I said- becozzzz~ it's Grosby! She said Gros- what? Grosby!

Grosby black and gold combo

Frustrated, I went home and researched about the slippers and found that it belonged to Pacific Brands Company and was made in Australia... not bad! I asked a couple of friends if they know the brand, one gave a NO statement and when I got one who knows the brand, she quips "I know because I'm jologs- Filippino slang for lower class society" Now, I'm definitely dumbfounded!

But I love my new slippers! It's soft and comfy! Finally, I was able to wash and replace my Nike slippers. Who cares what others think! toink!