Refurbished: writing desk

Jhamel Furniture & Handicraft
Baguio City
Metro Market! Market!
3rd floor
Home Market, Global City

I wrote about how excited I was about the new writing desk we bought in Market! Market! last July. After a week, we saw a hairline crack that started to appear on one side in between the Molave and Narra wood. Eventually, the crack became larger- approximately half an inch. And the cracks now runs on three sides. I became bothered that the portion of the wood would just fall off lol

before: crack in between the two wood

So, DH and I went back and talked to the seller of the writing desk. I showed her the above photo. Mina, the owner, told us that she will repair the table free of charge. The table was picked up last Saturday and by Wednesday, our table was delivered back to us.

after repair

Nice job! Now, I'm crossing my fingers that the cracks would not/ never show up again ; p