Call me vain but I love my skin. Who doesn't, right? I pamper it with only the best product there is. One of the products that got my approval is the warm vanilla sugar creamy body wash from Bath & Body Works PLEASURES line.
warm vanilla sugar
First, the light vanilla scent is so relaxing. I used to like lavender but vanilla scent smells like a baby hehe It leaves a creamy feel even after you wash it off your body. I still put lotion afterwards. Not because I still need it but because it's already part of my bathroom routine lol
Now, the only problem is that I already finished the last of my warm vanilla sugar creamy body wash ; (
What I have left with now is the Bath & Body Works Fragrance Mist in Warm Vanilla Sugar to remind me of my wonderful experience with its creamy body wash!
Bath & Body Works Fragrance Mist in Warm Vanilla Sugar
What's next in line? Find out in my next post!