My visit: March 2, 2011
Epiphany Restaurant
26 N. Domingo St.,
Quezon City
in between Honeywell and Holland Hopia
4877211 09175384823
I saw Kris Aquino's tweet about a new restaurant in N. Domingo called Epiphany a few weeks back. I saved the address on my phone but was not able to check the place because I had a hard time looking for the exact location. When a friend invited me for a girl's night out, Epiphany was one of the restaurants suggested. I told my friend that we should bring our DHs along for the night. DH has to go with me because I have a hard time driving at night haha Plus, DH would surely like to try this new restaurant. So, what's supposed to be a girl's night out turned out to be a couples night out!
Check out what we have ordered below.
Top Blade Steak with Twice Baked Potato PhP475
The Australian steak was supposed to be my order. But since it was served medium rare, I was only able to eat a few slices and one of the baked potatoes. My bad because I didn't inform the waiter that I like my steak well done. When I asked for the steak to be cooked for the second time, sad to say, I still found some blood oozing out of the steak. I ended up eating only the sides of the steak. DH said that steaks are supposed to be cooked medium well. In the end, DH finished the whole order. Oh, the two baked potato were served at room temperature ; (
Portabello Stuffed Squash Flower PhP240
An order consists of 4 tiny stuffed squash flower with corn sidings. It was beautifully plated. I can taste the cheese stuffing as I bite into it. DH, on the other hand, was so hungry that he swallowed it whole haha The serving is quite small for a PhP240 appetizer.
Braised Pork Belly PhP385
The braised pork belly or simply humba to you and me is sweet and tender. I like how the slices of green apple balances the sweet taste of humba. Quite pricey at PhP385 especially since half of it is fat.
Carbonara with Clams PhP275
Carbonara tastes just right, not too creamy. The focaccia bread is good.
Apple Crumble PhP220
Do I have to remind you? What do I always say, "Always make room for dessert!" I am saving the best of my Epiphany experience for last haha I don't mind shelling out PhP220 for another apple crumble. It's love at first taste... if there is such a thing! lol
We would have ordered two desserts, the other one being Coffee Creme Brulee PhP185 but the kitchen could not accommodate our request since it's nearing the restaurant's closing time.
When dining out, be sure to have good friends with you. If the restaurant is fairly new, it will surely have some hits and misses. In the end, a good company is what matters most!