Bag of Beans
General Emilio Aguinaldo Highway
Mendez Crossing
West, Tagaytay City
046- 4134356
I have been to Bag of Beans on numerous occasions. Clearly, it seems that whenever my family goes to Tagaytay, a trip to this quaint coffee shop & bakery is a must. Last October 31 is no different, my family and relatives all met up there for an afternoon snack after visiting the grave of my grandparents.
Blueberry pancake PhP195
I only took photos of the food and drinks that we have ordered. Shown above was a blueberry pancake ordered by DH. He loves blueberries. It comes with 2 slices of orange. See the melted butter on top? It's hot, hot, hot!
Coffee Choco Banana Frost PhP145
Without a doubt, this is my order hahaha A truly calorie-loaded drink lol How I wish I could have it right here, right now. But no, I can't be having this drink anytime soon because I am currently on a 30 day trying-to-lose-weight challenge. I will write about the challenge in my next post!
lasagna PhP195
DS ordered lasagna. It comes with toasted bread and generous serving of parmesan cheese on top. Even just for the parmesan cheese alone, I can tell you that I love this!
Caramel Cappuccino PhP105
DS ordered a warm cup of caramel cappuccino too.
We occupied two long tables that afternoon and the chattering was non-stop lol It is so nice to have family get together once in a while. It lets you keep tab on how the other is doing. Good times all the way!
What coffee shops do you go to when in Tagaytay?